Sturdy, muscular, wiry, with fine bone. Whole covered
with long (according to age), profuse corded coat. Long hair overshadows
eyes like an umbrella. Viewed from the side, trunk and limbs should
present square figure. |
Herding dog, medium sized, nimble and extremely intelligent. |
Lively, wary of strangers, but not displaying nervousness
or unprovoked aggression. |
Disregarding hair, head small and fine with slightly
domed skull. From the front it appears round, from the side almost
elliptical. Muzzle one-third length of head, with well defined stop,
not snipey but bluntly rounded. Arches of eye socket well defined
nose relatively large and black, eye rims and flews black in all
colours. |
Medium size, dark brown with lively expression. |
Set slightly below level of skull, V-shaped, pendant,
of medium size, covered with long hair. Length of ears about half
length of head. Ears do not appear noticeable, even when alert. |
Roof uniformly dark or variegated with deep pigmented
spots on dark base. Flews tight and black. Tongue bright red. Jaws
and teeth strong with perfect scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely
overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. |
Set at an angle of 45 degrees to horizontal, of medium
length, tight skinned and muscular. When fully coated, neck appears
to merge with body. |
Shoulders well laid. Elbows tight. Forelegs straight
and muscular, and viewed from any angle, vertical. |
Withers slightly higher than level of back, which
is of medium length. Loin short and broad, belly slightly tucked
up. Ribs deep, ribcage broadening from behind elbows and well sprung.
Rump short and slightly sloping but this is not obvious because
of tightly curled tail. |
Strong, and well muscled. Pelvis forming and angle
of 90 degrees with thighbone. Well bent stifle. Hocks set fairly
low. When viewed from the rear, the legs should be parallel, with
feet turning neither in nor out. Wide pelvis desirable , especially
in bitches. |
Short, round, tight. Hindfeet slightly longer then
forefeet. Nails strong, black or slate grey. Pads springy, dark
grey in colour. |
Medium length, curled tightly over rump-loin area:
long hair of tail mixes indistinguishably with similar hair of rump
so that the tail does not appear separate. |
Stride not far-reaching. Gallop short. Typical movement
short-stepping, very quick, in harmony with lively disposition.
Movement never heavy, lethargic or lumbering. |
Correct proportion of top and undercoat creates,
naturally, the desired cords. Matting and felting to be avoided,
and a combed coat is as undesirable as a neglected one. Coat generally
longest on hind quarters, shortest on head and feet. Some dogs will
grow a floor-length coat. |
Acceptable colours, black, rusty black, white and
various shades of grey and apricot. Black sometimes appears weathered,
rusty, or with slight intermingling of white hairs. Grey and apricot
in all their shades may have an intermingling of black or white
hairs, with or without black mask, ear tips and tail tip. The overall
appearance of all variants must be that of a solid colour. A white
spot on chest of not more than 5 cms (2ins) is permissible. A few
white hairs on feet also permissible. Body skin should be well pigmented
and slate grey in colour, especially in blacks and greys. |
Height: Dogs: 40 - 44 cms (16 - 17 ins.); bitches:
37 - 41 cms (14 - 16 ins.). Weight: dogs: 13-15 Kgs (28 - 33 lbs);
bitches: 10 - 13 Kgs (22 - 28 lbs.). |
ANY departure from the foregoing points should be
considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should
be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. |